
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Kyoto and Osaka Trip! (Part 3...)

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On day three we parted ways with Akane and her family and met up with my honorary professor Dr. To and his study tour group! It was nice to see familiar faces!

We went to Nara, which is famous for the deer that bow for cookies! They get impatient and whiny about cookies. Petting them is okay but some can be spoiled brats about it. They will bow for you though, which is really really cute!

So many deer
Deer can kill old lady and children

Jenny and I feeding the deer.
We went to a nice place for lunch and had chicken and rice (put simply).
There is a flame under the chicken and rice, you wait for it to go out, then flip the timer which is 3 minutes long. After that, dig in!
I dislike pickled things, so that pickled something or other I did not eat. I did have miso soup but already ate that by the time I took the picture. I forget what the thing that looks like tofu is. It's not tofu though. It's good, but had a nutty taste. Chestnut something or other.
Manju is made with chewy squishy rice flour and this had anko inside (sweet red bean paste). I like it taste wise, but it's so squishy and soft that the texture is a little odd to me.

I have never had chicken and rice in a bowl like that. Usually already in a large bowl.
Still in Nara, we went to Todai-ji which is a Buddhist temple completely made out of wood. For this picture we were very far in front of it actually. It's a massive complex. It houses the largest bronze Buddha statue (called Daibutsu Lit: Giant Buddha). There were deer.

Here is the whole gang!

After that we headed back to Kyoto. Dr. To and I found my hostel after some searching and asking. Surprise surprise, other APU students were staying there! (In Kyoto, not even my island). I stayed at A-Yado guest house in Gion, Kyoto, which is a fun place to be, with coffee shops, restaurants, flower shops and many little antique shops. Since I slept there only, I didn't really go to the common areas. I stayed for 2 nights for less than 4000 yen (about 40US.) 

We then went to a nice hole in the wall restaurant (that I do not have a picture of). I got karaage (car-ah-ah-gey) which is just fried chicken. Good fried chickens. 

And finally, I went back to my hostel (which no, I do not have pictures in since it was a room filled with girls...). It was nice though. Very clean, air conditioning, nice showers and soft beds. WESTERN BEDS.

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